
Google Ads Tracking - any site

To set up conversion tracking for StoreYa Google Ads, you must have the Google tag and an event snippet in the code your page uses. 

Google Tag

The Google tag adds visitors to your basic remarketing lists and sets new cookies on your domain, which will store information regarding the ad click that brought a user to your website. You must install this tag on every page of your website.

Copy the first tag you got from StoreYa and paste it in between the <head></head> tags of every page on your website. 


Event Snippet (Conversion Tag)

The event snippet will work with the Google tag to measure conversions.

Add the second code to the page a customer reaches after completing a purchase.

To Use the Snippet

1. Copy the second tag you got from StoreYa.

2. Replace placeholders REPLACE_WITH_ORDER_ID and REPLACE_WITH_ORDER_VALUE with the code that will bring real values of the order on the thank you page (according to your e-commerce platform).

3. Paste it in between the <head></head> tags of the thank you page.

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