
Integrate Exit Pop With SendGrind

Step 1. On the Exit Pop configuration page, scroll down to the Social Networks section and click on  ‘Integrate with your email provider’.

Step 2. From the ‘Integrate Coupon Pop with an email provider' drop-down menu, choose SendGrid

Step 3. Create API by clicking here while logged into your SendGrid account. 

Step 4. Click the button 'Create API Key'. 


Step 5. Click 'General API Key'. 

Step 6. Allow 'Full Access' for the category 'Mail Send' and click the 'Save' button.

Step 7. A page will appear with your API key, please copy you API Key and add the API Key to the text box. Click on "Get SendGrid Lists" button.

Step 8. Choose the required list name.

Step 9. Activate

Step 10. Save and continue

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