
How to Install the Coupon Pop Module in a PrestaShop Store (Old flow)

1. Log into your PrestaShop back admin.

2. Click on "Modules" on the top menu bar.

3. Search for Coupon Pop within the Advertising & Marketing category, and click on the "Install" Button.

4. Once installed, click on the "Configure" link

5. Enter the Secret Key you received from StoreYa and click on the "Save" button. 

If you haven't created an account at StoreYa, go to:

Create an account, customer the promotion you wish to share with your visitors (Step 1), and get the Secret Key (Step2). (Any customization of Step 1 is editable).

6. Once done you will get a successful message as seen below, and your Coupon Pop will be available on your PrestaShop store (you can edit its setting on your StoreYa account at any time).


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